The solution to homelessness is straightforward: housing. In many places across America including Seattle there simply is not enough affordable housing. Without more investment in long term affordable housing many people will continue to face housing instability.
Background Reading:
Jordan Beaudry has been serving as ROOTS Volunteer Services Manager for 4 years. He grew up in Oakland, CA, and was raised by a young single mom. Throughout Jordan's childhood, his family's economic status fluctuated significantly, inspiring in him a passion for economic and social justice advocacy. Jordan has served on the Board of Directors for Parent's Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights and received his Master's of Social Work from UW in 2016. Jordan's background in volunteer management includes positions with the American Red Cross and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Working with ROOTS provides Jordan the opportunity to support young adults experiencing homelessness through community engagement and volunteer stewardship.